Eric finally talked to me again, haha. He invited me on a spontaneous trip to seaside with him and nick, so I met up with them in Mendham at 11-ish last night. Eric was flirting with me the entire night, but I don't like him, so he was probably confused after I gave in and had sex with him later that night.....anyway, somehow my gps took us to Pt. Pleasant rather than Seaside, so we chilled in Burger King for an hour or so. After a bit, we decided to find a place to sleep, and ended up parking Nick's car on Egbert Street. We decided to walk along the beach for a bit, and I came up with the idea of streaking, but Nick didn't want to so it was just Eric and I running naked along the beach at 3 am haha. After five minutes or so we started walking back, and I saw Nick walking towards us....naked. So we all ran together and I made a sand angel and it was great. We just stayed up for awhile after that in Nick's car just talking about everything. They appreciated that I was so open about things that they didn't think most girls would feel so comfortable talking about, like sex and such, and I told them about Sean, so I think I got closer to both of them. The sun started to come out and we knew we weren't going to get to sleep, so we decided to drive home and stop for food on the way. I told Eric that I liked us this way, "just friends and hooking up" hahahaha he looked so pissed. But he's been slutting since we ended, and I don't need that. It would constantly be a power struggle between him and I, because I refuse to look like I'm being used. By making that comment to him, about us just being friends, I automatically "won" hehehe. Eric fell asleep after that so Nick and I were talking a lot. I wish I had noticed Nick before Eric, because Eric just sucks but Nick and I click so well. I was wearing his sweater because it was cold, and when he dropped me off, I was going to try to steal it but I felt bad so I gave it back and he said, "you were trying to steal this from me, i knew it!" and gave me this funny look and I laughed, and he kept giving me the look until I got in my car and looked back at him haha. He's just really lovely. Anyway, these are the only pictures I really have from the trip;
his car is a wreck.
my view basically the entire time
i look half dead, but nick's sweater (or whatever)
eric actually looks retarded......